
Estimated shipping times are calculated at checkout based on your location!

If you have already placed an order, you can check your tracking link for updates.

Tracking links are provided as soon as your order ships, which is typically in 1-3 business days.

If you're in the U.S., we ship items out locally from North Carolina.

We also have fulfillment centers in the UK, Canada, Australia, Spain & Latvia.

That means UK, EU, Australian and Canadian customers will also receive their items quickly, without worrying about customs and taxes.

No. All of our designs can only be found here at Liftmas Tree and we print our items one-by-one.

Yes! We ship to all countries except the ones with legal or carrier restrictions like North Korea or Afghanistan.

Refunds & Returns

No problem! Send it back within 30 days and we'll give you a refund or replacement!

We'll even pay for the shipping cost of the return if you live in the U.S.

In the rare event that this happens, just send us a picture and we'll quickly send you a replacement!

No need to worry about returning it.

We provide FREE returns for U.S. customers.

Customers outside the US will be responsible for return postage.

We make return postage affordable for international customers by having warehouses in the UK, Canada, Spain, Australia & Latvia.

Quality & Care

Yes. We use a style of printing called 'Direct To Garment', which makes our graphics long lasting.

The fabrics we use are comfy, but they're also durable, so you don't have to worry about it falling apart.

Our 100% cotton t-shirts, tank tops & long sleeves are pre-shrunk to retain fit after washing.

However, we do recommend following our care instructions to help items last longer.

Use the following recommendations to make our products last longer:

1) Turn clothing inside out (print on the inside) before throwing it in the washing machine.

2) Wash with similar colors.

3) Do not wash at more than 30°C/90°F.

4) Do not bleach.

5) If possible, avoid drying items with a machine and hang dry instead.

6) If ironing is needed, turn the shirt inside out and iron the backside.